"Oh, wow, a math teacher eh? I hated math in school. I was never very good at it. Thank goodness I've never had to use it! Hey, you know what you should do? You should make your math class fun. My class was always so boring. Also, you should stop teaching them useless math like Algebra, and start teaching them math they'll actually need in real life. You know what I mean?"
I have never met a person who has said, "Oh, awesome! That sounds like a great job! I would love to teach Algebra to high school students! Do you know of any openings?"
The truth is I do have the greatest job on Earth, and I would never trade for another (except maybe an astronaut, but then that's not really a job "on" Earth). If they only knew...
Their advice sounds so simple. Make math fun. It's like people actually believe that math teachers sit up at night asking themselves, "This lesson is okay, but how could I make this just a little more boring...?" Here's the truth: every math teacher I have ever met (and I've met a lot) is desperately searching, researching, clawing, and fighting for "fun" math lessons. And, they are out there; I've seen them. I'm working on adding more and more "fun" to my Algebra class, but it's a process, and it takes time, energy, and resources. Unfortunately, none of those are unlimited!
The other thing I hear (nearly everyday) is, "I never use Algebra, and I turned out fine." I have to bite my tongue. I want to say, "You drove your car here without running out of gas didn't you? You know how many bags of Cheetos you could buy with $10 don't you? You used a car loan to purchase that new truck didn't you? You're investing in your retirement aren't you? Heck, even the people who designed that funny little shirt you're wearing used Algebra to ensure their text was centered and the font size was optimized to ensure maximum readability." But, those arguments are best left unsaid because then the next line coming is, "Well, that's not really math..." But the truth is math is all around us and our brain is making constant calculations to keep us safe and happy. Most of those calculations are done unconsciously; not because it's not really math, but because you probably had math teachers who stayed up late at night wondering how they could exercise that mathematical portion of your brain the next morning.
I have digressed. Here's my point: I was part of an amazing training today about Project Based Learning, and I am more excited than ever to put the fun in Algebra class! I have done "projects" in class, but I am a newbie to the whole PBL strategy. I think I have a plan to mesh my current blended classroom with a dynamic, exciting Project Based Learning classroom. I also think Ginger Lewman (an educational guru) has a similar message to all those strangers I have met. If I hook my students with a "tasty" project they are dying to get their hands on, I will be amazed at the lengths my students will go to in order to learn the skills necessary to make a totally rad project. Give them a reason to get excited and fall in love with math. Make it fun.
Stay tuned to share in my mistakes, insights, and triumphs!
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